Escape to Dragon Farm

I'm in the Southern Highlands of NSW for two weeks on the beautiful Dragon Farm. Thanks, Lucy, for the chance to explore this part of the world. This is also the ideal place for a writer's retreat - which I very much need at the moment.
The past months have been full-on, jugggling three big projects. An update:
Mega Dramas - I've written 8 new plays for drama students - the team at Macmillan are now working their magic on the collection - due out September this year.
Divers in Danger - my lastest level 1 graded reader, is being edited by James Bean for ILTS - I drew on my recent scuba diving experience for this book. My dive buddy, Alex, is also my son - and he's a great buddy, unlike Ben's buddy in the story, who gets trapped by a giant clam on the barrier reef!
MIEACT project - we're polishing our scripts now, and have now named the project - Casting Light: scripts for classrooms from people living with mental illness.
And some of the Casting Light crew are coming here to Dragon Farm on Sunday for a writing day!