Friday 29 August 2008

Forgive me, reader, for it is way too long since I blogged ... a sign I've been caught up in a range of projects - including the Powerhouse Museum here in Sydney! Jeni Mawter and I have formed The Writing Team to script an interactive playground exhibition - it opens on 23 September at the Powerhouse - should be a blast! Recording will be happening in the next week, so we're working on final script revisions now.

I've also finished The Winning Shot - a level 1 reader for ILTS. Check out their website: the illustration on the home page is by the fabulous Sarah Davis from my book Grizzly, which is a finalist in the 2008 ERF Awards.

The Winning Shot is a crime fiction story set at an ice hockey game in Vancouver - thanks again to my amazing hockey coaches - Brigita Grazys, Albert Klassen, Kath Klassen and Bruce White. They not only took me to my first-ever game, they gently steered me as I wrestled with the terms, rules and etiquette of hockey. And my sons Alex and Theo came up with the concept that became the climax of the story - some of my work is truly a collaborative effort! Here we are at the game last December. Go Giants!

For the writers among you - try the level 1 challenge of writing only in the present tense. The only 'future' is the use of 'can' and 'am going': 'We can go to the city on the ferry.' or 'I'm going to go on the ferry.' There's NO past tense! It's fun but hard! James Bean, my editor at ILTS, is a master of the art!