Tuesday 12 February 2008

As one project ends, another begins - lucky me! As a wordsmith, I need to be constantly working on projects at various stages, from initial ideas to final proofreading. Of course, I also need to be open to offers of work, too - it really can be a juggling act at times.
I've just written the synopsis for The Sky Readers, the prequel to The Singing Stones. I really enjoy the early stages of creative projects - ideas and images seem to come flooding in. In this case, I had enough material for an epic, but I'd rather prune back than pad out my material. I'm grateful to James Bean for his editorial input at this early stage of the process - saving me many wasted words down the track, I'm sure.

I'm delighted to say that I've revised the monologues in Cooking with Hamlet and other solo dramas and the manuscript is now being edited. As a writer, the alchemy worked by the publishers to turn my words into books always intrigues me. At the same time, I get a distance on my words, so when I hold the newly printed book, I often look at my words in a much more objective way. Not that I think authors should be objective about their words - far from it. It's such an interesting process, the creative relay race from my first threads of thoughts and images to those conjured in the minds of a reader.

I have a number of projects on the go at the moment - I like the juggling act that is my work life, but sometimes long for uninterrupted stretches of time on one task. But like any business, I need to be lining up the next project while working on the current one (or two or three).
These early months of the year are so full of potential, aren't they? I'm full of plans and ideas - more news soon.